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Senseless Mutilation or High Tech Examination? A peep into some mysteries that has happened

Cattle Mutilation Phenomena also called Bovine Excision is the enigma presented when cattle have been found that are killed by an unexplained method and anatomically mutilated under anomalous conditions. No single example of a paranormal event is so physically bizarre, or has such a negative economic impact on a specific industry. It is generally considered to have started with an anomalous mutilation in 1967 of a horse in Colorado. However seven decades earlier we find this unusual eyewitness testimony from a sworn statement dated April 21, 1897:
"A prosperous and prominent farmer named Alexander Hamilton in Le Roy, Kansas told of an attack upon his cattle at about 10:30 PM the previous Monday. He, his son, and his tenant grabbed axes and ran some 700 feet from the house to the cow lot where a great cigar-shaped ship about 300 feet long floated some 30 feet above his cattle. It had a carriage underneath which was brightly lighted within (dirigible and gondola?) and which had numerous windows. Inside were six strange looking beings jabbering in a foreign language. These beings suddenly became aware of Hamilton and the others. They immediately turned a searchlight on the farmer, and also turned on some power, which sped up a turbine wheel (about 30 ft diameter) located under the craft. The ship rose, taking with it a two-year old heifer, which was roped about the neck by a cable of one-half inch thick, red material. The next day a neighbor, Link Thomas, found the animal's hide, legs and head in his field. He was mystified at how the remains got to where they were because of the lack of tracks in the soft soil. Alexander Hamilton's sworn statement was accompanied by an affidavit as to his veracity. The affidavit was signed by ten of the local leading citizens."
This incident seems to fit well into the realm of cattle mutilations.


Though the above description is unscientific it shows that the animal is being lifted. One very important aspect of this phenomenon is the total absence of evidence physical activity of any sort around the affected carcasses. Such lack of even footprints, tire tracks, or any ground disturbance indicates that some sort of aerial device has to be used. There is also evidence that the animals may have been dropped form considerable heights after the mutilations were performed.


The aerial aspect could also explain why there is no indication that the animals died as result of predatory attacks or accidents. A very unusual natural deviation occurs at the carcass sites. Scavengers will not feed upon or even approach the carcasses despite the abundance of meat on the remains and often-fresh condition of it. Any flies, a common aspect of carrion, are dead on the carcasses.


The animals chosen, horses, cattle, buffalo, and deer are all large and can have as much as four gallons of blood in a body weighing sometimes in excess of a thousand pounds. The carcasses are completely drained of every trace of blood, a condition known as exsanguinated, and yet not one drop of that blood is found around the body. Other body fluids are also conspicuously absent. The process of draining such a large body of all blood and fluids requires a lab setting and highly sophisticated equipment, something certainly not commonly found on cattle ranges and in forests. The process of removing all traces of those fluids from the body and the surrounding environment requires a technology not currently found on the planet. The ease of obtaining cattle blood and the obvious disregard for the monetary value of an entire cow leaves out old-fashioned cattle rustling or any criminal intent.


Blood and body fluids are not the only things removed from these bodies, which gives this phenomenon its description as an act of mutilation. Certain organs are surgically removed from their bodies. Autopsy reports show that removal of sexual, digestive tract and sensory organs are most often the organs of choice although other organs are also occasionally removed are soft tissue organs such as reproductive organs, tongue, eyes, lips, ears udder and the rectal area. Internal organs not surgically incised are often found lost all consistency and are described as in a mushy state. Again there is an unearthly ring to the methods employed. Organ and tissue removal is done with perfect surgical precision. No ripping or tearing as with predator attacks and even scalpels are often eliminated as a tool. The incisions have been done with such fine precision that only a laser could produce such surgical exactitude. Evidence of cauterization, the act of fusing of blood vessels and tissue using heat or chemical methods, enforces this theory. Bones are also clearly sliced with no bone fragments. Areas of flesh are also severed with high tech precision.


No evidence of blood, tracks, or predators stands alone as an anomaly but are not the only abnormal aspects of the sights where the animal remains are found. High levels of radiation are detected, although no logical explanation for this presence has been found. Plants in the immediate vicinity at times appear to be extraordinarily lush only to wither and die in a short time. This shows a total change in the organisms not explained by orthodox understanding. A fluorescent material of unknown origin has often been observed covering the bodies. Another unusual substance is also found around the carcasses. Minute particles of magnetic iron, in a very pure form are present in high concentrations in the immediate area. Again no explanation for this is to be found. It should be pointed out that such traces of pure iron are also found in crop circle anomalies.


As can easily be seen the questions are abundant and the answers are conspicuously absent. Even the theories advanced are anemic:
Satanic cults performing occult blood rituals were the earliest suspects. This might hold water if you could find a satanic cult with a large membership that consisted of very wealthy and highly skilled surgeons with a lot of free time on their hands. The sheer volume of just the reported acts would mean that thousands of top professionals, in very specialized fields, working in total secrecy would be working around the clock. And considering not one suspect has ever been arrested for such an obvious crime means that an unbelievable amount of luck is also involved. Little wonder that satanic slaughter quickly faded into the background leaving the next most targeted subject for particularly unusual occurrences, the government.
Secret operations are always a favorite target of the conspiracy theorists and the size of this anomaly requires a large, well funded, and high tech group. We all know the government is capable of such an operation but there is a real problem with the concept of government involvement, capitalism. Any politician knows that the last thing you want to do is mess with the agriculture business, especially in the United States, and particularly the ranchers. If the government needed to do this they could easily obtain cattle for whatever it is they need. After all they are one of the largest single customers of the ranching industry. This is where the theories begin to stray from the usual suspects.
Mass hysteria has been mentioned as a solution as it has for everything from organized crime to the moon landing debunkers. Hard working ranchers, rural police departments, and serious scientific investigators are not the normal population sector that is easily driven to hysteria when confronted by the unexplained.
Black helicopters come under scrutiny but once again the volume of cases and the remote and precarious terrain of those cases leave some serious doubts. Also the fact that most of the excisions appear to happen at night cast further doubt. A fleet of such a size would take unlimited resources and tax the resources of even a large corporation or organization. And there are the needed surgical teams. The fact that a large number of unmarked helicopters operating in U.S. airspace would either have to elude radar detection or have government permission to operate brings up the financial aspect once again. The sky is monitored by the military, the military works for the government and the government works for the large financial powers, and the ranching industry is significant financial power. The black helicopter theory doesn't work as a culprit but may fit into the equation. If they are present, as witness testimony indicates, it is more likely related to an observation or deterrent role.
Environmental testing, biological experiments, cattle virus, and nuclear activities were brought into the fray but with no evidence to back any of these theories they just add to the confusion and conjecture. The only thing proven is that there is no evidence that can prove anything or anyone on this planet is responsible. Even theories about theories came into the picture in the ethereal form of plasma. The very imaginative scenario speculated that an unsuspecting animal wanders into the plasma field and out of nowhere an unknown electrical force electrocutes the animal, dissolves its blood, and then mutilates the carcass. Something akin to a high tech version of "swamp gas." So the only suspect qualified for scrutiny flies into the mutilation arena.
Unidentified flying objects are most often identified as a consistent presence by witnesses. They are also the only suspect that needs no budget, obviously has the technology, can and do evade radar and the military, and are known to lift large objects without leaving detectable traces in the area. They also may be the only suspects with a possible motive for the act. Federal evidence confirms that some animals have been dropped from altitude causing broken bones and depressions in the ground. And the only markings ever found at the sites have been tripod marks.


Cattle associations are the organizations, whose membership are the financial victims, are the closest to the phenomenon. The cost to cattlemen and their insurers is in the multi-million dollar range and they have taken action. Large rewards are offered and top investigators are employed. Even groups of ranchers are employed to patrol known hotspots. The ranchers are well armed and equipped for a search and apprehend role and local law enforcement and government agencies are in total cooperation. In over three decades of serious effort not one perpetrator has been caught, no suspects have been identified, and no relevant evidence has been found. Which is why the ranchers have put pressure on the government to step in.
Official investigations began in earnest in 1975 following a dramatic increase in cattle mutilations in Colorado. The Colorado Bureau of Investigation conducted an investigation that concluded that predators were the killers in most cases and some killings were the work of human killers that were mimicking the predators to feed on the "mass hysteria" generated by the anomaly. The lead investigator of over 200 reports admitted the difficulties in probing such bizarre incidents. Carl Whiteside, the CBI official in control admitted that, "everybody who has gotten involved with the mutilations has come away more confused than they were when they went in, including us.", and that, "Getting firm evidence on these things is like nailing jelly to a wall." In short they had no idea what they were looking for and not a clue how to look for it. Under these conditions any conclusion stated is suspect at best and ludicrous at worst. The investigation went national in April 1979 when a special investigative conference was convened in New Mexico by Senator Harrison Schmitt, a former lunar astronaut turned politician He expressed the futility confronting investigators when he stated, "These crimes are obviously continuing despite the excellent efforts of state and local law enforcement officials and the growing publicity the mutilations killings have received." Since its first major exposure in the fall of 1973, the cattle mutilation phenomena had claimed the lives of over 10,000 head of cattle by 1979. This conference turned the federal spotlight on cattle mutilations and that opened the federal coffers. In May 1979, Kenneth Rommel, former career FBI agent headed the project known as "Operation Animal Mutilation," an investigation undertaken by New Mexico's First Judicial District. Funding came from the Justice Department's Law Enforcement Assistance Administration. The final result was The Rommel Reports. Not to anyone's surprise the Rommel Reports were a rubber stamp of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation's conclusions. Nothing at all strange here, just predators and slow-witted yokels that got over excited. One rancher even labeled the controversy "Cattlegate" referring to an obvious government cover-up.
The National Institute for Discovery Science isn't ready to say yes, but they're not throwing out the possibility, either. The privately funded research organization is conducting a serious study of the connection between cattle mutilations and UFOs.
Mutology has become a positive force by the duck and cover tactics of the official investigations and the mutology network coalesced and began to influence public and official opinion. Linda Howe, a television journalist turned mutilations enthusiast has authored books on the subject and produced a documentary. Howe is a prominent backer of the alien abduction theory, and became a regular on the UFO convention circuit due to her mute theories. Other mutologists are bringing the phenomenon into clearer focus and provide a needed buffer to the official whitewash. As with the UFO phenomenon our government feels that the old "keep them in the dark = keep them calm" attitude is in the best interest of the people. And with good reason, because UFOs may be the only intelligent answer we have.


Consider the questions:

What organization on Earth has the need to butcher cattle and other large animals, remove organs, blood, and flesh at
great risk, with criminal ramifications, in a clandestine manner?

If such an organization does exist why not obtain the animals legally at an obviously greatly reduced cost and risk?

What group has the advanced technology to perform these operations with world-class precision thousands of times in remote locations with the tons of equipment obviously required?

What are the odds that an Earth-based organization could conduct such a massive and complicated operation from the air without a mishap?

Why would such an obviously well organized and highly skilled group even consider such an aerial project in light of the safety risks and legal ramifications if apprehended violating federal aviation rules?

What organization has the resources to accomplish this feat thousands of times over large areas without detection or apprehension?

Who can leave unidentifiable material as the only evidence at the mutilation site?

Why do the majority of eyewitnesses claim that UFOs are present during the incidents?

Cows are the targets in 95% of the cases. Logic dictates that this could be a deceptive percentage. There is no way to know what the actual numbers are. Put yourself in the place of the cattlemen and what must be taken into consideration before reporting such an incident. If anyone took you seriously, investigators rummaging around your property with endless questions, would quickly swamp you, while your character often is called into question, and of course the unwanted and often negative publicity. How many of these incidents go unreported? What percentage of these mutilations is actually discovered? No figures are available to address these questions but it is possible that only a small percentage of the incidents actually reported. And of course cows have owners and a lot of other large animals don't. How many deer and elk are involved is an unknown factor.

Considering that we do know cows are a favorite target, is there a possible reason why they are targeted? The investigators that examine the carcasses are actually post-mortem examinations and their findings show what obviously is evidence that the body has been autopsied. Someone or something is using these animals as an investigative tool. And probably the best possible animal to use for this purpose is a cow. This animal is a four-legged eating machine equipped with four stomachs that provide it with one of the most efficient digestive systems in nature. This means a highly efficient absorption level of all the elements in the animal's immediate environment into the blood, organs, and flesh. A breakdown of those tissues will replicate that environment in detail. In simple terms, if you want to know what elements and what concentrations of those elements are in a given area, put a cow on it, do a thorough autopsy on the cow and you have a readout on the environment.
This is exactly what the evidence proves has been done. The animals are picked up, blood, organs, and flesh is removed, and the animal is unceremoniously dropped back to earth. What other possible use could such a complicated procedure have? And if one were trying to monitor how those elements were affecting humans cows are again well suited to the task. The most detailed map ever produced of cattle genes is now available. A comparison map of cattle and human genomes shows that many genes, and even whole chromosomes, are configured in the same way in the two species. In an emergency, cow's blood can even be used in transfusions into humans, since the hemoglobin is almost identical.


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